Gesina maintained her weight yesterday so she did not come home today. After spending some time at the hospital today I left very frustrated and at my wits end. I spent the drive home trying to figure out why I was so upset. By the time I got home, I figured out my frustration and have a plan. I'm going to take matters into my own hands and mom up... again.
Every day, Gesina has been assigned her daytime nurse who is the only one who has been successful in getting her to eat larger amounts. But every night, they've been assigning Gesina to a new nurse she has never had before; yup a different nurse EVERY NIGHT. This means that my very particular, finicky eater is not eating nearly as much at night and all the daytime gains are lost. I've also figured out that they are feeding her every four hours... just like when she was on a schedule. They are not feeding her when she wants to be fed, just every four hours like they feed all the other babies. None of this is the "fault" of the nurses as they are just doing their jobs as assigned. And the nurse assignments make sense as Gesina is not a high-risk case right now so her earlier, more consistent nurses are assigned the more interesting cases. The "floater" nurses she is getting assigned to are more likely to be experienced in premature babies and not full term, nearly 7 week old babies. And finally, today when I wanted to feed Gesina the nurse was busy with other babies/moms so it took about 15 minutes before I could begin nursing. By that time, Gesina went from showing signs of being hungry to temper-tantrum hungry. She ended up not nursing and only taking 20 ml from her bottle (she should be taking at least 80 ml). Taken together, the doctors want to keep Gesina in the NICU until her feeding issues are resolved. The problem is that the NICU nurses/system is not designed to help a baby with her feeding issues. At the end of the day, we are not doing anything to address her feeding issues besides waiting for her to magically grow out of it. In fact, a different nurse every night is probably setting her back.
So I've come up with a plan. The person that needs to learn how to get Gesina to eat and can be consistently there for her is me. If Gesina doesn't magically gain weight tomorrow and come home, I'm going to do everything I can to stay the night at the hospital. I will sit by her bedside and watch for all the cues you read about in the baby books. I will feed her for every meal I can, when she shows signs of hunger and not every 4 hours, and I'll do what I can to figure it out. I will eat and sleep as best I can when she sleeps. So my plan is to take matters into my own hands. I'll let you know how it goes!
Yes, YES, Yes...!!! Me & Mak have talked about the night nurse/feeding thing. It's funny to us she does well with "her" nurse & with you there in the daytime, but ...oddly enough, things don't seem to "work" at night. We wondered what the difference was. I think you're on the right track!! I understand they have babies at all stages, but one should not "matter" more than another! I'm hoping she DOES gain tomorrow, the best thing would be for her to be at HOME where she's monitored AS SHE SHOULD BE...! It's crazy to me, they "feed on demand" during the day, but at night the poor thing is subjected to "strangers" I hate it, I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT. It's not right and it definitely is not fair that a tiny baby is subjected to a string of strangers every night. Hell, Pru will be 2 in March and she STILL doesn't do well around people she doesn't know. I can only imagine what it's doing to Gesina...! Stand firm, make yourself heard. If at first you don't succeed, GO OVER THEIR HEAD. Enough is enough. She deserves the same respect and care that all the others do. Anxiously awaiting tomorrows update, as I'm sure everyone else is. You may be a first time mama, but you know what comforts her and you "know" what she needs. Don't be "humble" or "shy"....walk n there like the strong, in control woman you are and look them in the eye. Speak firmly and strongly. I know you have fire in your soul, let them see that...Let the mama lion take control and help get her cub Gesina home where she needs to be...! I don't think this is a "condition" or "seizure" issue. I think it's a lack of dedication issue...! When the butterflies hit tomorrow, just remember, we're all gonna be thinking about you and this challenge tomorrow...huggzzz beth & terry mak
ReplyDeleteGosh Jackie I am so sorry they are putting you through this. It seems like they are just putting issues in your way that are not really issues. It is hard to believe that every baby when they go home gains weight every day. I hope by you staying overnight helps convince them she can go home and thrive which I know she will. Keep your chin up and know that there will be an end to this eventually and you will have her home.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a plan. More importantly you plan gives you control of your baby. You are a very loving and caring mother. Best to you and Gesina.
ReplyDeleteYou know Diane, I don't understand how Gesina is supposed to gain everyday either? Pru didn't gain much the first 2 months, even though she was about 3 weeks early? She gained some, but definitely not what Gesina has? I know they weigh her daily, but...???? Is she supposed to gain a fraction of an ounce EVERYDAY? If so...WOW, I reckon Pru didn't fit the standard either...I know she'll do better at home, she'll be with people SHE KNOWS, not just another random stranger every night! Jackie has what she needs, she's her mama, she KNOWS her...I can only imagine how frustrated you are, as a mama & grandma yourself...It gets me pretty riled up when I see Kells fighting to take care of Pru too...she's had to deal with ignorance when she was nursing Pru. Breast babies don't take the same amounts formula babies do, it's been an interesting journey to follow as a grandmother, watching my baby overcoming issues to take care of her baby...I want so badly for all of this to straighten out for Jackie, so she can "be a mama" to her baby and take care of her the way she needs/wants too...It'll happen, but I'm impatient, I want it for Jackie Now, a week ago, 3 weeks matter how long, we're just gonna keep doin' what we do. Watching, believing, sending all the good, positive, healing, happy stuff we can:)