This morning they struggled to get blood from Gesina (it took 3 nurses and more than a few pin pricks) so by the time we got there, she was exhausted and slept the whole time. They are running tests to see if she has any metabolism problems. This the final domain to check as a cause of her stroke and seizures. We hope the tests all come back negative as there is no cure for any metabolism issues. I'm trying not to hold my breath on this but as Sagesmoon has noted, I'm a mom and that is just what we do ;-) Even in her sleep though, Gesina was adorable and I got to hold her. She spends a lot of time stretching and today, smiling. I know its still just gas that makes her smile but in another 2 weeks, they say her smiles will be genuine. I figure I got a sneak peek at what she looks like smiling and it made me happy.
Thanks again to everyone for supporting me through all this. Your comments have been known to make me smile and most importantly, make me feel like I'm not alone. It's nice to feel understood even if I've never even met some of you in person! I've realized that we are all connected, if not through face-to-face interaction than by being parents.
Whew, finally at the last of the last tests!!! Holding out for all normal:) I love the part about her stretching and smiling...:) Makes me very happy to think about that...I know your heart just melts! Regardless, the tests, at the most basic level are for INFORMATION...No matter what they say, you will continue to do what you are doing now, you will be her mama. You will learn, you will cherish and you will fight for her:) A few weeks from now, you''ll be trying to calm the zillions of butterflies in your stomach, wondering if you're doing something right... You'll be fine. If you can make it through the last 4 weeks, you can make it through anything else:) Congrats & welcome to mama hood!
ReplyDeleteI wish I was there so I could hold our little princess, She is a fighter and I know everything is going to be ok.I know you are going to be a wonderful mother.Everything will come to you when you bring her home. You will know what to do when anyrhing comes up