Saturday, January 18, 2014


Now I'm getting a little scared. I struggled to feed Gesina; she just wouldn't create a suction on anything. I'm scared she is going backwards on eating. She had also not really done a great job with the nurses overnight either. There is only one nurse that has luck feeding her; her normal daytime nurse. Luckily that nurse is working everyday through Wednesday so Gesina won't starve but she'll take 100 ml from the daytime nurse and as low as 30 ml from a nighttime nurse. I know they are not going to let her starve but this regression is making me nervous. I'll learn everything I can about the daytime nurses technique (she thinks Gesina is just very, VERY particular), but I fear the feeding tube is in her future. Honestly, she acts like feeding her is akin to torture. She used to nurse with no problem but she wouldn't even do that today. It's not like she was generally fussy today either. She just pitches a fit when we try to feed her. If we want to just hang out with her, she is fine and in a good mood. She seems to have a negative association with the bottle that we've got to find a way to overcome. Again, I'm grateful she didn't come home and lose a lot of weight. I would be crushed to bring her back and the guilt would be pretty hard to overcome. But now I'm just worried and it's hard for me to understand how eating is difficult for a baby to do. I suspect that's a naive statement but eating just seems as basic to me as breathing. Blah.


  1. Don't give up, hang in there! Have they tried a different type of nipple? Some babies are just really ticky about the nipple too. Possibly she's just having a hard time getting adjusted. Today is the 3rd day. We'll hope that tomorrow is MUCH more positive. I'm gonna ask this, not for a response, but kinda thinkin' out loud...are the meds possibly messing with her? I don't know anything about babies, seizures or treatments. I know there are options, but...not an area I'm familiar with. My daughter and I are going to be thinkin' about her tonight. We're sending everything we can. I'm so sorry it's so difficult right now. Stay strong, we'll are thinkin' about you.

  2. Does she have any sores in her mouth or is it possible that she may have a tooth coming in already? This is from Dad so I may not know what I`m talking about ha ha.

  3. I think something is just kinda off, she was doin' So well!! A friends baby won't take any other nipple but one. They had a hard time trying to get her to take a bottle, even at the hospital. Her husband brought some in and they tried different ones till they found one she'd take. Hospital wasn't real happy about it, but....sometime ya gotta do whatcha gotta do...Diane I hadn't even thought about the teething thing! But some babies do teeth early:)
