Monday, January 13, 2014

Good day

Gesina's regular daytime nurse was working today which helped make some good things happen. She has more patience with Gesina and knows more about what Gesina likes, what her quirks are, etc. So, the good news is Gesina took her whole feeding by bottle two times today! The nurse sees a pattern with Gesina's eating. She eats about 40% of her feeding, fusses for about 10 to 15 minutes, then will take the remainder (or at least most) of her feeding. This explains why she will nurse about 40% of her feeding, fuss, then take the bottle for most of the rest. After checking out her feeding pattern the last week, her doctor had the BRILLIANT idea of taking out her feeding tube tomorrow and feeding her every three hours. I'm trying not to get too excited in case the experiment goes awry but this is what Adrian and I have been looking forward to. Adrian gets annoyed with the fact that Gesina can always rely on the feeding tube so it's difficult for her to learn the association between nursing/bottle and getting food. I have obviously been wanting to feed her more often in smaller amounts. The doctor mentioned doing this for the next two days and seeing how she does.

Gesina had her EEG today but we may have to repeat it tomorrow. The nurse thinks Gesina didn't like the EEG technician! She cried and fussed the whole time so we may not have gotten a good "read" from it. We shall see. Two of her nurses mentioned that MAYBE if things look good, Gesina could be headed home the end of this week. Again, I'm trying not to get my hopes up but WOO HOO it would be so amazing to have her home. Now these are nurses and not the doctors, but they've seen lots of cases so their opinion is encouraging at the very least. I'm a little nervous about her coming home now that I have to go back to work. I think I would be crazy not to be nervous but I'm more excited than anything else. I feel a renewed need to clean the house, go shopping for baby food, diapers and a bouncy seat (she likes to bounce), and get ready for massive baby cuddles :-) My baby may finally be coming home! Tears of joy are flowing already but again, I'm trying not to get my hopes up...


  1. That is great Jackie! I am so excited for you, Adrian and most importantly Gesina!

  2. Oh my Gosh...!!! My living room is full of joy, laughter and high 5's, me, Mak & Kells are grinning from ear to ear....I know....I know...but damn-it, this is just too good to put a damper on yet...:) If I was closer I'd hug you till you choked!!! I know your mama is "leaking" from her eyes too!!! I'm not even gonna say there won't be trials. Your a mama, kinda goes with the whole maternal thing...But we'll take it, all of is so much good, I can't look at anything else right now...! It'll be ok, no matter what. I believe that. I think she'll do better, AS LONG AS SHE HAS "HER" GOOD NURSES....and not the negative, hateful nellie...
    I know when my oldest daughter gets up in the morning she'll want an update. She's an "easy leaker" too...lolol...Congratulations Jackie & Adrian, get ready-get set-here ya go....welcome to the confusing, amazing, hard, frustrating, happy, inspiring, not gonna give it up for nothing....journey of parent hood. We are so, So very happy to read all this awesomeness today...b & t

  3. How exciting! Thinking about you all every day, and so glad things are progressing!
