The meeting was today and a lot of the information I already knew was reiterated. This is okay because the more I hear it, the more it sinks in. Most important to me at the moment is (1) what has happened with Gesina is really not my fault. Everyone tells me this but I seemed to not hear it so the more it's repeated the better. With the doctors I was able to ask more specific questions to put to rest some of the crazy theories I've dreamed up that some way or another make this all my fault. The doctors refuted those theories and maybe now I can stop blaming myself.
Another important piece of information is (2) being told her prognosis was "bad" on the first day at the NICU was a mistake and shouldn't have happened. The neurologist said only a neurologist is even close to making that determination AND she herself wouldn't even try to guess how Gesina is doing even a year from now. We don't know her prognosis and the range goes from in a wheel chair to completely fine. Based on the location of her two infarctions it is possible she may have issues in decision-making when she's older but we don't know this for sure and she could also be just fine. Because of the self-fulfilling prophecy research, I've decided she is going to be just fine and will treat her accordingly. Also, her developmental milestones will be followed rather closely by the hospital's specialists for the first 3 years and the doctors will be able to quickly direct us to the appropriate resources and therapies as needed. Because I will follow through on any and all doctors recommendations, I will again just assume she is going to be fine.
The final important point is (3) Gesina will be at the hospital at least a few more weeks. They are determined to give her more time to take the bottle for all her meals and give her EEGs a chance to get to the normal, non-seizure potentiality results. When she does go home, she will be on seizure meds for at least a year or two so they won't be messing with taking her off completely for a long while. They will have me take her home with a feeding tube IF that is what we have to do but in the meantime, Gesina is getting better with the bottle every day. The doctors are very pleased with her progress with the bottle. In fact, last night she took 60 ml of her 100 ml feeding from the bottle. And today when we were visiting with her, she was loudly sucking on her pacifier which she had never done before. We quickly swapped her bottle and pacifier and she happily drank from the bottle for a little while. So we'll see how that continues to go and in two weeks we'll see what they say.
Mentally, I understand that Gesina is getting better everyday. She is headed in the right direction on everything we've been doing and I'm very lucky. She is alive and thriving and I really couldn't ask for better. If I focus on the positives, and there are a lot of them, then life is good. For perspective, some women go through pregnancy and labor and end up with no baby. That didn't happen to me as Gesina is alive.
Emotionally, I'm a bit beat up. If I just keep moving forward everyday without putting too much thought into the situation, I'm emotionally pretty stable. A meeting like today, however, is all about focusing on the situation which forces me to slow down and process what is going on. This means lots of tears, fears, and self-pity. I'm in a very ambiguous situation and if I let my imagination run wild, well, nothing good can happen. I'm fine as long as I don't stop and think too much about it. So now I need to add some order to the chaos to manage the ambiguity of the next few weeks. I also have to keep my perspective and focus on the positive. So while I process my emotions and work on getting my head wrapped around all this, here's a picture of Gesina at 4 weeks. This is the artwork created by one of the nurses so Gesina's area is festive and is a celebration of her.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh....she is just too precious!!! Wide eyed, alert, lovin the hair! The art work is really cute too...but how can it not be? She's in the middle of it!!
ReplyDeleteAs for your self-blame, once again...let me welcome you to the ancient sacred circle of mother-hood...;) Healthy or otherwise, it just seems to go with the job description. I've had my losses, no matter what anyone says, Doctors, family, nurses, friends....only time will allow you to let yourself off the hook, we are ALWAYS harder on ourselves. It is simply in the nature of a mother. DO NOT allow yourself more than a few moments of wallowing. You're better than that and Beautiful Baby Gesina knows only one thing, YOU are her mama. She doesn't see or hear faults, she only sees and feels your unconditional love. Look at her...look-at-her...look what you've created...(yeah yeah, Adrian helped BUT you carried her, you talked to her, you felt her first flutters...THAT COUNTS...that is all part of your bond with her.
It sounds like the meeting was as positive as it could be,... well...for a medical meeting...From where I'm sitting tonight, it sounds like it went very well. No DR can give 100%'s. I'm not a "shades of gray" kinda person myself....nope, my middle name is NOT tolerance or patience....I like to deal in facts, period. But, I've come to learn (...mostly the hard way) that life simply is NOT gonna be black & white.
You have been on an emotional roller coaster ride for weeks, the fact that you still have all your hair (I'm assuming) and you're not in jail ( I'd have to...(assume again.)..that you're doin' extremely well. Hormone changes, stress of labor, worry about this tiny miracle you've harbored for 9 months, feeling like your arms would ache to the point of falling off, with the need to hold your baby....Yes, all of these are normal, waking in the night in a cold sweat, wondering if she's ok (okay...gotta be honest here....the waking up thing? that doesn't change either...)
Allow yourself to relax... just little. The fact that you're doin' the breast milk is HUGE!! That in itself is such a huge thing in her favor...another sign of just how much of a true mama you are:) Keep your nutrition up, it takes a lot to keep that milk flowin':)
I am blown away by how bright eyed she is...Beautiful...She looks SO alert...Like she knows exactly what's goin' on:) umhmmm you might just have a camera baby here;) A friends daughter had her twins at 24 weeks. They were so very tiny, every week they took their favorite pic of them and did something special with it, a cute photo app frame or scrap book page, they mapped the journey through their home date. Maybe chronicling a journey thus far will help you see all the progress and worry just a tiny fraction less:) Something special for you to look back on & realize just how far ya'll have come... Kinda like your Yellow Brick Road to "home" journey:)
So happy to hear things are getting better as the days move forward. Best wishes for all 3 of you (plus cats)!
ReplyDeleteJackie she is beautiful! My friends and I are calling her the Christmas Miracle. We all need one from time to time :)
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear the positive progress, and your feelings are of course totally normal but you have more knowledge and thoughtfulness, I think. We're all reading and thinking of you guys, sending lots of love and her picture is great, she's beautiful.
ReplyDeleteBeing at the hospital everyday must feel very exhausting, as Mike said the feelings you are having are normal feelings considering the situation, medical professionals are well meaning, but are just like us, they say wrong things, give horrible advice and vary in skills, knowledge and temperament. Hope you get to see her soon...stay warm!