Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Things I'm grateful for

Because today was sunny and a balmy 30 degrees, I was thinking about all the things I'm thankful for. I figure counting my blessings can only help keep my spirits up and add perspective on what I'm going through so here are a few things I'm grateful for.

  • Gesina and I made it through labor and delivery alive. As long as we are alive and kicking, we can fight to survive and be together. Some are not as lucky as we are.
  • Even though he has had to work, Adrian has been able to see Gesina everyday with me. Some men in the NICU hang out in the lounge and don't go to see their little one as often. I'm grateful that Adrian is in there with me visiting with Gesina and understands how important these visits are to her growth and recovery.
  • NICU nurses are amazing people. They take care of my little girl when I'm not able to do it myself. I'm often jealous of them for being able to spend so much time with my little girl but knowing I can't be there myself, I'm grateful they are there every minute of the day.
  • I live close enough to such a great hospital with well-regarded doctors. The nurses and doctors talk about my Gesina's neurologist like he is the best in the business. Having talked to him myself, I'm very confident in his abilities. I'm glad I live close enough for Gesina to go to the best in the area and that I don't live in such a small town that I have to drive more than an hour to see her everyday. 
So there is my list today and there are lots to be grateful for. Today Gesina got to enjoy sleeping on her tummy, occupational therapy (mostly a deep tissue massage), and her emergency inhaler seizure drug was lowered another half step. My positive side hopes to have a good day of no seizures tomorrow but my realistic side knows that because we are slowly weening her off some of her seizure meds, I'll likely see seizures tomorrow. Instead of worry about tomorrow, I choose to smile about the good things today. She was calm, looked good in her clothes, and enjoyed a massage. Today was a good day. 


  1. Wow...I'm so glad you're continuing to see the good things....I know it isn't easy...I know you don't know me. But everyday, my family and I watch for your updates. There are so very many people thinkin' of ya'll and sending everything good and positive and healing they can to Baby Gesina. Just know there are many of us quietly sending all we can. I'm so glad she gets to wear real clothes! How awesome that you get to see her dressed in the things ya'll got for her:) Just kinda gives things a sense of normalcy and ya'll need that right now. The people who in NICU are a special type of person, I truly believe that, they give hope, they give care and many times....they give our little ones life...Keep hanging in there, you're doin' an awesome job of keeping your spirits up. It's ok to cry now and then, I know sometimes it's all you can do Not too. But she's doing well, you and Adrian are getting a crash course in being amazing parents...

  2. What a fantastic list of things to be thankful for. You, Adrian and Gesina are doing so well given the circumstance. She's very lucky to have such loving and caring positive parents!
