Sunday, December 29, 2013

Lies, all lies

Adrian and I took shifts to see Gesina today. He took the morning shift and I took the afternoon shift. He CLAIMS Gesina was crabby and inconsolable in the morning; so much so that it took two nurses to calm her down at one point. I think he's making it all up because with me, she was a sweetheart. Sure, she may wail once or twice but I could still talk her out of it. He often points out that the only thing that calms her down is my voice and I think he may be right. I may make a tape of me reading a book to her so the nurses can play the tape when she needs to calm down.

I got to help give her a bath today and boy does she dislike baths! I think she gets cold (remember the shivering) so that may have something to do with it. She also ripped her feeding tube out of her nose today. This is a theme with her as she often has her hands near her face. The nurse declared that I will likely be taking her home with a feeding tube so she showed me how to put one in. Gesina is not fond of that process but I'll do whatever it takes to get her home! I like that the nurses have mentioned me taking Gesina home but I try not to get too excited. Tomorrow's EEG will hopefully give us some answers about what needs to be done next.

This morning a baby went home and while the nurses were changing the sheets on the bed, a call came in that another baby was being admitted. The cycle never ends. The new baby is another full term baby with seizures. I guess this means that these doctors and nurses have a lot of experience with babies that have seizures; though I hate to see more babies and parents going through what we are all going through.

In addition to getting her EEG tomorrow, Gesina gets to see her Grandma and Grandpa. I'll be glad to have them there as we learn what her test says and what it means for the future. Hopefully they get the EEG done early and get us results soon. I guess I have to continue to work on being patient!


  1.'ve had quite the day today, huh? Still, she's doing things all babies do:) Not all babies like a bath...:) Hopefully, it won't be long and she won't need the feeding tube anymore. I hope it's sooner than later:) Still...she did do well on the bottle yesterday, we'll hope that continues to improve:) Do the meds maybe have anything to do with the bottle challenge or the stimuli? Excited to hear back from the EEG, hopefully it will show much improvement:) Another positive day, hang in there Adrian, before you know it, she'll be a daddy's girl too:) So happy the grand parents will be there tomorrow, I know they'll be a measure of support for all of you:) Here's hoping tomorrow brings many more smiles and good news:)

  2. We found a little digital music box (like an ipod with a speaker) which we kept in the isolette playing quietly when we weren't there. We filled it with Bach and other music that was simple and comforting. The brain is developing so fast while they are babies, and it can get boring in there.The nurses found that it helped when we weren't there to soothe him. However, he never liked baths until he got home and got a real bath that he could splash in.
