Saturday, December 21, 2013

Shiver me timbers!

Gesina still shivers a lot and the nurse and I continually go back and forth on whether or not she is cold. I did get to hold her and when the nurse isn't looking I put the blanket on her... and the shivering stops :-) She is trying really hard to cry too. Her face turns red, bunches up, and she makes an adorable squeaky noise! It's too cute but I'm hoping that soon enough she'll be wailing like all newborns do when they cry. Until then, she's just adorable when she is mad. Adrian pointed out that when she gets upset and wants to cry, as soon as she hears my voice she calms right down. I paid attention and realized he's right. Amazing how something so simple makes me feel so important!

Beyond shivering a lot, Gesina also stretches and shakes when she stretches. The doctors and nurses agree though that she is NOT having seizures and they are working on teaching me and Adrian how to tell the difference. Medication wise, they are still slowly weaning her off one of the 3 meds and so far, knock on wood, she is doing fine with that. I am still waiting for the "other shoe to drop" but am doing my best to enjoy my time with her and not let my anxiety take the fun away from the good times. Tomorrow she may get to see her grandma and grandpa so I'm hoping it's a good day. In the meantime, I realized that there should be more pictures of Gesina so here is my favorite so far.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwwe...:) You are important!!! The fact that she calms upon hearing your voice is proof positive that A-she knows who you are(without holding her and hearing your heartbeat!!) And B-You're well on your way to ole practiced mama-hood! I think it's absolutely heartwarming that Adrian recognizes her calming at your voice! Go ahead daddy:) Embrace each other, embrace each day, it won't be long these horrible long days will be behind ya'll. My family is grinning from ear to ear at this latest update!! My daughter in Jackson calls everyday and makes a point of checking to see if there is an update on Gesina:) Oh, by the all LOVE the Christmas hat! It is absolutely adorable! Yule Blessings to all of you....Beth & Terry McDonald
