Saturday, December 14, 2013

Steady and stable

So the MRA and MRV are normal meaning there was no evidence of blood clots in her veins or arteries. Her MRI, which focuses more on brain structure, showed that the "infarctions" (doctors term) seem to be healing; especially her two major ones. Because of this, they have lowered the "emergency inhaler" style seizure medication to the level she had it at a few days ago (.10). It was a step higher (.15) so now it's were it was and tomorrow, they are knocking it down another step (to .05).

I asked why we think this change will take this time when it did not a few days ago and essentially, the answer was that her brain has grown and they plan to make the changes to her meds a bit slower. So, she's healing, is currently stable, and tomorrow we start working on the seizure medication cocktail again.

In the meantime, she opens her eyes a little bit more. I get very excited when she opens her eyes as it feels like she "can" connect with me. I realize she's a newborn and she's mostly in dreamland, but I like to imagine she and I are beginning to communicate. Fingers crossed that tomorrow doesn't present any set-backs and that she handles the medication change better than she did in the past.


  1. Sounds like good news. I will keep praying she improves everday and comes home soon

  2. Treasuring the good news and the connection!

  3. Oh Sweety...:) You DO have a bond with your beautiful baby girl...she may not be able to "show" you, but she knows when you're there...It matters, every tiny little matters...Don't ever doubt that...So glad to hear you've had wonderful news, I know how much that means to all of you! My family will be so excited to hear this update...keep taking care of yourself...:) You're doing an amazing job, keeping your focus where it should be...bein' a mama!

  4. Thinking of Gesina today. Thank you for sharing the good news and for posting a pic!

  5. I'm very happy to hear good news for a change. Hang in there, Gesina :)
