Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Bath time and snuggles

No changes to Gesina's meds today so no signs of seizures. She did seem more sedated today compared to yesterday. I got to take advantage of her being sedated and helped give her her bath. I have no idea how I'm going to be able to give her a bath and change her diaper when she is wide awake. You can see her face pinch up a bit when we washed her hair so if she could, she would be crying and pitching a fit. Sadly, I can't wait for her to pitch a fit! I would much rather have her be sassy and giving me a hard time than being sedated and drowsy. Oh well, I need to practice being more patient.

Her breathing was a bit shallow and fast today. They took an x-ray to ensure she didn't have any congestion in her lungs. Thankfully there was nothing in her lungs but it was a bit unnerving to hear her breathing that way. We adjusted her breathing apparatus a little and I got to hold her for about an hour and a half. I don't know if it was the breathing apparatus or me holding her but she seemed to have more steady breathing during that time. Oh, and the nurse said Gesina had tummy time earlier today. Like any other newborn she got to have tummy time :-) Adrian got to see her suck on a binky too. These are nice reminders that some things Gesina does and gets to do is much like any newborn. Of course, as a first time mom, I wouldn't know the difference between Gesina and any other newborn's behavior but I just don't want her to miss out on anything. Because she's been wearing clothes now for the last few days, tomorrow I'm going to take in some of her clothes so she can enjoy them while they still fit her... So, I guess I don't want her to miss out on anything but I selfishly don't want to miss out on anything either! Gesina will wear some of her adorable newborn outfits before she outgrows them, even if we have to cut holes in them to accommodate her wires, tubes, etc!


  1. So glad you've had such an awesome day with her today! Getting to hold her was huge! AND a bath:) I know she'll be adorable in her clothes and outfits:)

  2. Thank you so much for posting all of these updates every day. I am so glad that, despite the ups and downs, you are still doing a lot with her and enjoying spending time with her. I am SURE that she does better when you are around-- I always think that newborns remember being in their mama's bellies and thus feel more comfortable and secure when they are on our tummies or being held really close! I love the picture you posted a few days ago -that hair is adorable!

  3. Every day is sounding more positive. I so look forward to reading your post every night. I pray f
