Friday, April 18, 2014

Status Quo

The neurologist on call believes the brain atrophy and the eye asymmetry are just residual effects from her stroke. He referred to it as similar to a scar from a cut. Nothing new is currently happening that we need to put a stop to. Next steps are to video record any eye asymmetry episodes, follow up with my neurologist and our new ophthalmologist, reschedule the NICU development clinic appointment and we will likely need to have a 2-day video recorded EEG to see if we can "catch" the seizure activity/eye issue in action. The only new think we've learned is that, according to the latest EEG, her seizure tendency/abnormal results are stronger in her left hemisphere than her right.

My take is that nothing got worse so that is a win. We also have had an eye doctor look at her and that is something I wanted to do anyway. I am now wrapping my mind around that fact that the brain atrophy doesn't mean anything new and that it's not the size of your brain but the quality of the connections that matter. Gesina's quality connections are best aided with no seizures and a rich mental environment. I think I and her early intervention therapists can do our best in providing the rich environment. The rest, as usual with Gesina's dramatic entrance into this world, will be revealed with time. Either way, the pediatrician here said Trish and I did the best thing for her by being proactive and seeking help. That's all we can do while we "wait and see" what Gesina's future holds. If I don't develop a deep reservoir of patience from my experiences with Gesina, then I'll be surprised!


  1. Great report! take is....nothing worse, insight into the part of the brain seizures occur. People are listening, as well as attention being given to what is...We'll keep supporting all of you and sending all the good, stable, healing stuff we can!

  2. Closeness is always good; hold her tight. Good to hear the update, Jackie.
