Thursday, April 17, 2014

And we are back at the hospital

So Gesina had some episodes where her left eye would look straight ahead and her right eye would look up and inward. After calling this in to the neurologist, they recommended we go to the ER. One ambulance transfer later, we are back at the hospital where our NICU experience started. She is NOT in the NICU or the PICU but in the regular pediatric floor. She has a room with a couch which is my new bed for the next few nights. The good thing is I know all the doctors already. So far we have done plenty of blood draws, it took 3 tries by the experts to get an IV in her, and we have run a CAT scan, EEG, and currently she is getting an MRI. All I know so far is the CAT scan shows her ventricles in her brain are enlarged. This means her brain is smaller than it should be. Other test results should be coming this evening so I'll probably update this post with more information then. We are currently trying to find out if the eye issue is related to seizure activity (up her meds) or if it is an ophthalmology issue. I'm excited for her to see an eye doctor as I have been concerned about her ability to see for a while. I think she can see but not very well.

Blah. At the very least I'll be here another night or even two. I may have to stop by the area Meijer to buy essentials as I had no intention of living in these clothes for too many days. I'm not leaving the hospital as Gesina is a very fussy eater and I want to be the one who feeds her. I WILL NOT do the NG tube again. No way, no how!

Put us in your thoughts and I'll let you know when I know more.


  1. Oh no...:( We'll be thinking of ya'll....I'm so sorry Jackie...

  2. Best wishes, Jackie. I'm thinking of all 3 of you.
