Sunday, November 6, 2016

She loves to fly and it shows!

The m&ms were a hit but we didn't even need them; Gesina was amazing on the plane. No crying, no fussing, nothing but looking around and smiling the whole time both there and back. Here she is after we landed home and were taxiing to the airport.

She did cry in the car half the time but that was a given. She was so good at the doctors office for her stem cells that the doctor was a bit in shock. She had no problem with the nasal spray and smiled during her liposuction!! Who does that? My Gesina warrior princess does :-)

So it's been a week since 275 million of these little lovelies were both taken from Gesina's fat cells and reinjected (via nose spray and injected using a slow release material). The nose spray works immediately and is supposed to lay some of the ground work or infrastructure for the later slow release stem cells. We should see results anywhere between now and 6 months from now. Anything we see, she will retain for years to come. She was also given some supplement compounds and I've looked up all the ingredients to be sure they are brain relevant and safe, and they are. I've also had such good results with her fish oil that I've doubled her dose with those as well. So, now we wait...

Before we even left for Arizona, Gesina was starting to look at people that talked to her. Her focus was getting better and she was more vocal by using mainly one sound but using that sound in more of a reaction to others voices. On Friday, about a week after stem cells Gesina went swimming (which she loves) and after was all chatty but using more than one sound and drawing out the sound for a long time. She was doing this again last night so it may not be a fluke. I had always said I'll stop swearing once Gesina starts talking, I wonder if that time is coming :-) Now I'll have to grow up and use my big girl words to describe my emotions, hee hee.

Gesina is also bringing her arms to "midline" when playing with her toys which is new. Usually she looks like this:

And plays with the toys that happen to hang near her hands. Lately she is not only swatting her toys around but grabbing in one hand and swatting and grabbing with her other hand across her body. It's not consistent yet but I'm hoping this behavior sticks around.

Up next: Gesina has been in a streak of good moods. We have a stretch of doctor's appointments coming up all in anticipation of her first day of school on December 5th, her 3rd birthday. This week Gesina is getting her Go Baby Go car customized to accommodate her. I have no idea how or if she could drive a toy car (can she see well enough to drive? can they customize a way for her to make the car go?) but I'll let her tell me if she can't. I won't be the one telling her no before she even tries. Hopefully you'll see pictures of her careening around corners in the perfect car for her. Either way, we can say we tried!

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