My neurologist, Dr. Shah called and we now have a little hope. Essentially, it all comes down to a judgement call. Clinically, Gesina fits the description of Ohtahara Syndrome (OS). So if you were to describe her seizure experiences, the timeline of her seizures, and the difficulty in controlling them with meds so far, she fits OS. However, if you look at her EEGs, she does not fit. She has not shown the suppression-bursts described with OS when you read her EEGs. Thus, some neurologists would conclude that she has OS, however Dr. Shah is not one of them. To make such a damning (my word) diagnosis, Gesina would have to be textbook OS for Dr. Shah to call it. Why? Because the label does not help her and it carries the weight of a miserable prognosis. It doesn't change her treatment plan of seeking the best meds to control her seizures as stopping the seizures is paramount to protecting her from further brain damage. Thankfully, she does not seem to be having seizures that we can't see clinically, meaning she isn't just seizing all the time.
So, what now? A few weeks ago we tried a new drug with the possible side effect of a "deadly rash"... well my sensitive little monkey started getting a rash so we had to stop that immediately. We have her started on a new drug now that is supposed to help "normalize" the EEG according to what I've read. The Children's hospital added another so she is on 4 seizure meds at the moment... we are weening her off one of them but it looks like we are super serious about getting these seizures in check. At this time, we can't say she doesn't have OS but we are not convinced she does. I'm okay with that because it really does give me some hope... maybe she won't die in a year?
As for the g-tube... get a g-tube they said, it'll make your life easier, they said... after 4 days of constant irritation, crying, vomit, and tylenol I went back the GI doc this morning. They've determined her pain isn't g-tube related (for medically complex kids, I think the "not my problem/domain" response is common). The gj-tube was suggested but thankfully she has finally stopped crying and I'm more slowly introducing food through the tube. I'm physically and emotionally exhausted at this point. But unlike everyone else I know, I haven't been as sad. The reason why? I get to look at this beautiful face everyday and she thinks that today is no different than last week... and that's the way I like it!
Wow, you've had quite the road to travel....I'm sorry I' haven't been here much, but I've checked in pretty frequently....You're an amazing Lady Jackie...Gesina is extremely blessed to have you for her mama. We should always look at everyday as a gift, because everyday IS a gift, most of us take days for granted....You take every moment as a precious fraction in time...because it IS a precious gift...I know you're tired....weary....not the kind that sleep can help...but you've found your stride Jackie and Gesina is better for it. You all are. You have a lot of people supporting you, I know in the wee hours, in the throe's of fever, vomiting, crying, meltdowns, it doesn't seem like it, but we're all around you...I hope the news continues to improve...I hope they find something that really Works for Gesina. Until then, cry when you need too, scream and rant at the Universe. Yes, it's okay to be angry and upset, it's also okay to to be angry that her fight is so difficult. Then, when you've spent your tears, look at that beautiful angelic face, relaxed in sleep and "puppy dreams" and remember why you'll be thankful to do it all over again tomorrow.....huggzzzzz Sweet Lady, you keep hangin' on...