Thursday, June 5, 2014

6 months!

We have reached an amazing milestone today as Gesina turns 6 months old! It's her half birthday ;-) For a fun comparison, and to remind us where we've been, I have Gesina at 2 days old on the left and Gesina today on the right. I'm so grateful we've made it here!

What a journey we've been on in 6 short months which includes some of the following memorable moments.
  • Entered day 2 of her life with the incriminating statement that "her prognosis is bad."  I didn't expect her to live through the day.
  • Spent the next 2 weeks unconscious and a total of 53 days in the NICU
  • Came home on an apnea monitor, an NG tube, and feeding pump. I was a terrified, hot mess as I tried to manage my new baby and all her equipment.
  • Months of only screaming and sleeping. I thought I would lose my mind as we tried to manage her acid reflux, disinterest in eating, vomiting, and generally being uncomfortable and overwhelmed by her environment.
  • Months where Gesina wouldn't let me put her down. She demanded to be carried everywhere. I both loved this time and was exhausted by it.
  • Juggling 4 therapists/home nurse visits every week and at least one doctors appointment each week. 
  • Watching her have seizures and upping her meds... weekly.
  • Spending a few nights in the hospital and learning she has brain atrophy and cerebral visual impairment.
  • Finally, Gesina starts to calm down and self-soothe! She spends the large majority of her day contentedly kicking and swatting at toys on her activity gym.
A very strange journey but TODAY we are in a great place. My 6 month old is in the 50th percentile for height, about the 12th percentile for weight, and less than 1 percentile for head circumference (but her growth curve is looking good). Her GI doctor admits that yes, her drinking only 12-14 ounces a day sounds horrible, but she is a healthy baby. We are adding a nutritionist to the mix in July so no worries there. She is eating a consistent amount that is slowly moving upwards and is doing an amazing job with a spoon. She is content and seems pretty healthy... what more could I ask for ;-) My hope for her is that with hard work, we can maximize her abilities. I also want her to be strong, independent-minded, and kind. She doesn't have to be "normal" to accomplish these things.


  1. What a wonderful, positive post. That's my Jackie:) I think both you and Gesina are in a great place. Love you both.

    1. Diane this is an AMAZING post! So very happy to see how far she's come. I didn't understand the worry from older family members when mine were, just like you, I'm watching mine with her baby and at heart is just so full, sometimes love and happiness, wonder....other times, fear, worry, tears for the struggles they have to overcome...It's MUCH harder than I expected it to be,....I love it, I wouldn't change it, but...WoW, what an emotional roller coaster in this new area of our lives!

  2. Wow, it's has been an amazing, downs, all manner of fear and self's tough...but you've done an amazing job of fighting for your baby and for yourself...! She is a beautiful, Beautiful gift....did you ever imagine 10 years ago, you'd have learned all the things you have over the last 6 months? Happy Amazing 1/2 Birthday are a gift in more ways than you will ever know Lil one....! People I vaguely know, still contact me and ask about this Precious child....she has become an amazing opportunity for people to look outside them selves and root/cheer/hope for something that has Nothing to do with's allowed so many to start a journey of caring for and about something not personal to them. It's been awesome to see people become more caring and selfless...
    I can't get over how much she's grown...I'm so very glad that she, for now, has found her groove, it's an amazing thing for a mama or daddy, aunt or uncle, grandparents, friends, to see a baby who has struggled to hard, to have found some peace and contentment:)
    So very, very happy to read this today. Thank you So much for sharing the journey with all of us...!

  3. It's been a whirlwind so say the least. I am soooo happy for you all! She's so cute and beautiful :) Would it be too selfish to say that I am still hoping to hold her sometime, or playtime is good too.
